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什么是a ? 信用评分?


It’s important to understand 你的信用评分, 如何检查, and how to maintain a good credit score and credit history.

It’s difficult to imagine functioning in today’s world without credit. 是否 买车 or 购买房屋, credit has become an integral part of our everyday lives. Having easy access to credit goes hand in hand with 有良好的信用评分.

你好吗? 信用评分确定?

Your credit score is based on your past and present credit transactions. The three major credit reporting agencies (益百利, Equifax, and TransUnion) track your credit history and assign you a corresponding credit score, typically using software developed by 公平 Isaac Corporation (FICO).

The most common credit score is your FICO score, a three-digit number with a 范围300-850.

a是什么? 良好的信用评分或FICO评分?

在很大程度上, that depends on the lender and your particular situation. 然而,患有

  • Scores of 700 or higher are generally eligible for the most favorable terms from lenders.
  • While those with scores below 700 may have to pay more of a premium for credit.
  • Finally, individuals with scores below 620 may have trouble obtaining any credit at all.

根据益百利, 在一般情况下, lenders rate your credit desirability based on where your score falls within these ranges:

评级 信用评分范围
异常 800-850
很好 740-799
公平 580-669
非常贫穷的 300-579


什么 消极的影响 你的信用评分?

A number of factors could negatively affect 你的信用评分, including:


  • 有逾期付款的历史.
    Your credit report provides information to lenders regarding your payment history over the previous 12 to 24 months. 在很大程度上, a lender may assume that you can be trusted to make timely monthly debt payments in the future if you have done so in the past. 因此, if you have a history of late payments and/or unpaid debts, a lender may consider you to be a high risk and turn you down for a loan.



  • 负债过多.
    Having a large amount of debt can have an impact on another important factor that affects 你的信用评分: your debt-to-income ratio. Having a higher-than-average debt-to-income ratio could hurt your chances of obtaining new credit if a creditor believes your budget is stretched too thin, or if you’re not making progress on paying down the debt you already have.


    • 信用不够好.You may have good credit, but you may not have a substantial credit history. 结果是, you may need to build your credit history before a lender deems you worthy of taking take on additional debt.


  • 太多的信用咨询.
    Each time you apply for credit, the lender will request a copy of your credit history. The lender’s request then appears as an inquiry on your credit report. Too many inquiries in a short amount of time could be viewed negatively by a potential lender, because it may indicate that you have a history of being turned down for loans or have access to too much credit.



  • 你的信用报告上有未更正的错误.
    Errors on a credit report could make it difficult for a lender to accurately evaluate your creditworthiness and might result in a loan denial. 如果你的信用报告上有错误, it’s important to take steps to correct your report, even if it doesn’t contain derogatory information.


我该怎么做? 查看我的信用报告?

Every consumer is entitled to a free credit report (although not access to a credit score) at least once a year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies, 益百利, TransUnion和Equifax. 访问 Annual信贷Report.com for more information and to request your free report. (Some agencies may provide a free report more often than once a year.)了解更多关于 如何查看你的信用评分.


Borrowers with good credit are presumed to be more trustworthy and may find it easier to obtain a loan, 通常利率较低.”

我该怎么做? 修复我的信用报告?

Because a mistake on your credit report can negatively impact 你的信用评分, it’s important to monitor your credit report from each credit reporting agency on a regular basis and make sure all versions are accurate.

If you find an error on your credit report, your first step should be to contact the credit reporting agency, 网上或邮寄都行, to indicate that you are disputing information on your report. The credit reporting agency usually must investigate the dispute within 30 days of receiving it.

When disputing an error with a credit reporting agency, you should also try to resolve the issue with the creditor that submitted the inaccurate information in the first place. If the creditor corrects your information as a result of your dispute, it must notify all three credit reporting agencies to which it provided the inaccurate information.

的重要性 有良好的信用评分

Having a good credit score is important because most lenders use credit scores to evaluate the creditworthiness of a potential borrower. Borrowers with good credit are presumed to be more trustworthy and may find it easier to obtain a loan, 通常利率较低. 信贷 scores can even be a deciding factor when buying a house or car, renting an apartment or even applying for insurance.

Broadridge金融解决方案, 6月14日访问, 2019; FTC, “信用评分s,于2019年6月17日访问; 益百利, “什么是良好的信用评分?,于2019年6月17日访问.


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